Monday 22 April 2024

The Coffee Pot Book Club presents: A Splendid Defiance by Stella Riley

Book Title:  A Splendid Defiance

Series:  Roundheads & Cavaliers

Author:  Stella Riley

Publication Date: 6th December 2012

Publisher:  Stella Riley

Page Length:  371 pages

Genre:  Historical Fiction / Historical Romance

Special Tour Price: Ebook £1.95 / US $1.95 (and equivalent) for the duration of the tour!

Tour Schedule Page: 

A Splendid Defiance

Stella Riley 

Audiobook performed by Alex Wyndham


For two years England has been in the grip of Civil War.  In Banbury, Oxfordshire, the Cavaliers hold the Castle, the Roundheads want it back and the town is full of zealous Puritans.

Consequently, the gulf between Captain Justin Ambrose and Abigail Radford, the sister of a fanatically religious shopkeeper, ought to be unbridgeable.

The key to both the fate of the Castle and that of Justin and Abigail lies in defiance.  But will it be enough?

A Splendid Defiance is a dramatic and enchanting story of forbidden love, set against the turmoil and anguish of the English Civil War.

Enjoy an excerpt 

Abby storms the castle

Considering that he had left his bed to dress hurriedly and come straight downstairs, the Captain’s room was remarkably tidy. A lot tidier, thought Abigail, with a faintly shocked sideways glance, than he was himself. It was also larger than she had expected, being situated at the top of the south-east turret and reached by means of a narrow spiral stair.

I shouldn’t be here, thought Abigail, in sudden panic.  Jonas will kill me if he finds out.

Justin deposited his sword in a corner.  Then, turning to pull the bedclothes into some semblance of order, he told her to sit down and demanded again to be informed what she wanted of him.

Abigail hovered and hesitated.

‘For God’s sake!’ exclaimed Justin, dropping irritably upon the bed and regarding her with acute disfavour.  ‘Sit down and stop being coy.  I’m not in the mood for it.’

She obeyed him rather quickly.  ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Don’t be sorry.  Just come to the point.’

His tone made this difficult but she did her best.

‘It’s my brother.  He was arrested in the Market Place this afternoon – but he didn’t do anything.  I mean, he wasn’t involved in the fighting in the way that others were.  So I came to ask you to please let him come home.’

Comprehension dawned slowly and the blurred gaze registered astonishment.

‘You mean he was taken for rioting?  No, no.  It’s too good to be true.’

Abigail stiffened.  ‘I’m afraid I don’t find it funny.’

The dark brows soared and his reply was deliberately blighting. 

‘My dear child, I’d be amazed if the members of your household found anything funny.  Quite apart from your religious persuasion, your appalling brother and his sour-faced wife are enough to kill anyone’s sense of humour.  However.  If you’ve hauled me out of bed just to ask a favour for Jonas, I can only say that your nerve outstrips your intelligence.  To put it bluntly, I don’t care if he rots.’

Abigail dissected this remarkable speech before brushing it aside.

‘What has Jonas to do with it?  It isn’t him you’ve got.’  And then, staring at him, ‘Is that what you thought?’

‘Not being on intimate terms with your entire family, what else was I to think?’ he asked acidly.  ‘Well?’

‘I’m sorry.  I thought you’d realise …’ She paused.  ‘If it was Jonas, I wouldn’t be here.’

‘And I am supposed to know that because …?’  Captain Ambrose leaned back, brooding on her over folded arms. ‘Mistress Radford.  My patience, as you may have noticed, is extremely limited and diminishing by the second. Will you please tell me, in plain language, just who the hell it is you came to rescue?’

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Winner of four gold medals for historical romance and sixteen Book Readers’ Appreciation Medallions, Stella Riley lives in the beautiful medieval town of Sandwich in Kent.

 She is fascinated by the English Civil Wars and has written six books set in that period. These, like the 7 book Rockliffe series, the Brandon Brothers trilogy and, most recently The Shadow Earl, are all available in audio, performed by Alex Wyndham.

Stella enjoys travel, reading, theatre, Baroque music and playing the harpsichord.  She also has a fondness for men with long hair - hence her 17th and 18th century heroes.

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  1. Thank you for hosting Stella Riley today, with an intriguing excerpt from A Splendid Defiance.

    Take care,
    Cathie xx
    The Coffee Pot Book Club

  2. Many thanks for hosting Defiance!

  3. My pleasure, you are always welcome x
