Wednesday, 29 January 2025

The Coffee Pot Book Club Presents: The Plantagenet Legacy Series: Henry IV – The Usurper King & The Accursed King by Mercedes Rochelle




The Plantagenet Legacy


Mercedes Rochelle

Publication Date: 

The Usurper King: 4/5/21    The Accursed King: 4/18/22


Sergeant Press


The Usurper King : 305 pages    The Accursed King: 301 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction / Medieval Historical Fiction

Any Triggers: n/a

Tour Schedule Page: 

THE USURPER KING by Mercedes Rochelle

Book 4 of The Plantagenet Legacy


From Outlaw to Usurper, Henry Bolingbroke fought one rebellion after another.

First, he led his own uprising. Then he captured a forsaken king. Henry had no intention of taking the crown for himself; it was given to him by popular acclaim. Alas, it didn't take long to realize that that having the kingship was much less rewarding than striving for it. Only three months after his coronation, Henry IV had to face a rebellion led by Richard's disgruntled favorites. Repressive measures led to more discontent. His own supporters turned against him, demanding more than he could give. The haughty Percies precipitated the Battle of Shrewsbury which nearly cost him the throne—and his life.

To make matters worse, even after Richard II's funeral, the deposed monarch was rumored to be in Scotland, planning his return. The king just wouldn't stay down and malcontents wanted him back.

THE ACCURSED KING by Mercedes Rochelle

Book 5 of The Plantagenet Legacy


What happens when a king loses his prowess?

The day Henry IV could finally declare he had vanquished his enemies, he threw it all away with an infamous deed. No English king had executed an archbishop before. And divine judgment was quick to follow. Many thought he was struck with leprosy—God's greatest punishment for sinners. From that point on, Henry's health was cursed and he fought doggedly on as his body continued to betray him—reducing this once great warrior to an invalid.

Fortunately for England, his heir was ready and eager to take over. But Henry wasn't willing to relinquish what he had worked so hard to preserve. No one was going to take away his royal prerogative—not even Prince Hal. But Henry didn't count on Hal's dauntless nature, which threatened to tear the royal family apart.



For once Edward of Rutland was glad his retainers rode behind him, leaving him to his own thoughts. His route led him in either of two directions: the appointed meeting place at Kingston, or his father's manor in Burnham, close to Windsor. It was time to decide. Musing, he watched as a courier rode toward them from the opposite direction. He recognized the man, a confidential servant of John Holland. 

"My lord," the messenger said, leaning over with a letter. He didn't even need to dismount. 

Taking the dispatch, Rutland dismissed him. "I thank you for your trouble. I will send my own man with a response." 

Looking confused, the other nodded and turned back. It was not his place to question an earl.

Waiting until the courier was safely on his way, Rutland opened the letter. To Edward, Earl of Rutland. We are surprised and distressed that you are not here at the appointed hour. We remind you of your bond and your oath. Whatever the reason, make sure you meet us at Colnbrook in time for our projected enterprise.

Their concern was well placed. During the last few weeks, Rutland had vacillated in his intentions. He hadn't asked to be part of this rebellion; the others had just assumed he would join them. For many years he was one of them—one of Richard's closest advisors and even a friend, on a good day. As one of the Counter-Appellants, he had shared their disgrace. 

But there was more. He kept thinking of that last day in the Tower, when Richard had called him a villain and a traitor and kicked his hat across the floor. Richard nursed his resentments for years; the man may never forgive him, even if rescued. The other conspirators knew nothing of this disturbing moment. The only witnesses were his father and King Henry. Was it worth the risk to rescue a king who might prove his own undoing?

Rutland frowned. Loyalty to the others would only go so far. They wouldn't save him if he was arrested. On the other hand, his father had guaranteed his good behavior. If he betrayed that trust and joined the rebellion he could be disinherited.

He hated to admit it to himself, but his unsavory reputation wasn't entirely unjustified. He didn't necessarily mean to shift loyalties; it's just that situations arose when he had to make unfortunate choices to protect himself. Nonetheless, people didn't trust him. Look at the fiasco during the last Parliament! The floor was littered with gages. If he betrayed the Counter-Appellants this time, his notoriety would cling to him the rest of his life.

On the other hand, if he exposed the conspiracy, the king would be eternally grateful. So what was the difficulty?

Reaching the crossroads, he turned the horse toward his father's manor. 

As usual, the Duke of York could be found in his solar sunk deep in a chair with lots of pillows to support his arthritic back. He was dictating a letter to his secretary and raised his cane in welcome as Rutland came in. 

"How do you feel today, father?"

"No better nor worse than usual," he grunted. "That will be all for now," he waved to his secretary. "Throw another log on the fire before you leave, would you?"

His secretary obliged while his son helped himself to some wine. 

"There's something I need to tell you," Rutland said, sitting down.

"What has happened?"

"A conspiracy, father."

York stiffened in his chair, letting out a grunt of pain. "Against the king?"

"I'm afraid so. They tried to involve me. I went along at first, um, so I could learn what they were planning. Here." He pulled out the deed with all six seals and handed it to his father. 

Smoothing his scraggly beard, the duke read the document. "Restore King Richard or die in the attempt?" His mouth fell open. "Whose seals are these? I recognize both Hollands and yours..."

"And Salisbury, Despenser, and Maudeleyn. There are many more involved, of course."

"What madness is this? When is this supposed to happen?"

"The attack will be on the Epiphany. We must get to the king."

"We? What are you planning?"

"They, father. We are going to stop them." 

Disbelieving, York waved him on. 

"They are sending confederates hiding in wagons along with the harnesses and trappings for the tournament," Rutland continued. "At their signal, the men will kill the guards and open the gates to let the rebels in."

"And kill the king?"

"They have many supporters," Rutland said defensively.

"I don't care. Help me up." His son supported his shoulders as York pushed himself out of the chair with his cane. Straightening, the duke pursed his lips. "Why did you wait so long?"

Rutland hesitated. "King Richard—"

"King Richard my ass. You don't give a fig for King Richard. You couldn't decide who to support. What? Did you conclude that this venture will fail?"

For once, Rutland was stung. "I'm trying to do the right thing."

"For a change. You have a lot of explaining to do. I see why you need my help. Come, we can't afford to tarry."

In the shortest time possible, York, Rutland, and a small escort were thundering to Windsor. They gained immediate entry to the king, who was privately dining with his four sons.

"What is this, uncle?" Henry said, lifting his hand in greeting. "I am always happy to see you, but I thought it would be tomorrow."

The duke knelt before the king, kissing his hand. "We bring grave news, sire."

"Get up, get up. What has happened?"

York gestured for his son to move forward. Rutland knelt beside him.

"This is most unusual," Henry said. "Get up, both of you."

Standing quickly, Rutland gave the deed to the king. Henry scanned it and looked up with a frown. "My Counter-Appellants? They seek to restore King Richard to the throne? How?"

"In all the confusion surrounding the tournament, they plan to kill your guards and yourself—your family."

Henry paled. "Then their accomplices could be in the castle already!"

"Yes. That's why I am here."

There was no time to think—or ask the same questions York did. Henry was a man of action; talk would come later. "Come. We must leave this place at once."

Universal Buy Links:

The Usurper King: 

The Accursed King: 

All titles in the series are available to read on #KindleUnlimited.

Mercedes Rochelle is an ardent lover of medieval history, and has channeled this interest into fiction writing. She believes that good Historical Fiction, or Faction as it's coming to be known, is an excellent way to introduce the subject to curious readers.

Her first four books cover eleventh-century Britain and events surrounding the Norman Conquest of England. Her new project is called “The Plantagenet Legacy” taking us through the reigns of the last true Plantagenet King, Richard II and his successors, Henry IV, Henry V and Henry VI. She also writes a blog: to explore the history behind the story. 

Born in St. Louis, MO, she received by BA in Literature at the University of Missouri St.Louis in 1979 then moved to New York in 1982 while in her mid-20s to "see the world". The search hasn't ended!

Today she lives in Sergeantsville, NJ with her husband in a log home they had built themselves.

Author Links:




Book Bub: 

Amazon Author Page: 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for featuring Mercedes Rochelle today.

    Take care,
    Cathie xx
    The Coffee Pot Book Club
